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About SHBA

Your Trusted Source for Everything “Home”

If you are building, remodeling or repairing your home use someone you can trust. Find a member of the Spokane Home Builders Association.

Since 1947, the Spokane Home Builders Association has been committed to protecting and promoting the housing industry. Serving seven Eastern Washington counties, SHBA is over 700 members strong. We are professional home builders, architects, remodelers, suppliers, manufacturers, and sales and marketing professionals who believe every American deserves the opportunity of homeownership. As trusted professionals within our community, our members continue to lead the way in all areas of home construction, driving innovation, and giving back to our community with one common goal in mind: to make our community stronger by providing affordable, quality residential housing.

Working for the Housing Industry at All Levels

When you join the Spokane Home Builders Association you automatically become a member of state and national organizations as well. This 3-in-1 membership offers advocacy, education, important industry updates, networking and more at the local, state and national levels.

At the State Level

The Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) represents more than 8,200 member companies like yours who want taxes and regulations limited. The primary focus of BIAW is to educate, influence and affect legislative policy in Washington.

BIAW offers valuable tools to grow your business, such as the Return on Industrial Insurance (R.O.I.I.®) Select Program, Building Industry Insurance, Member Rebate Program, Workforce Development Program and more.

On the National Front

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) represents the interests of home builder members throughout the country. Their team monitors and lobbies on pro-housing legislative and regulatory issues which have a national impact on the industry.

Among the valuable services provided by NAHB are savings programs, educational courses, skilled workforce development resources, marketing tools and more.


We are a member driven organization that promotes, protects and educates in order to create attainable housing options for our community.


Members of the Spokane Home Builders Association agree to observe and are bound by the following Code of Ethics and Objectives.

  • Conduct our business in a manner that will reflect credit upon our association, our industry, and ourselves.
  • Avoid statements or implications that may be misleading or deceptive.
  • Comply with the spirit and letter of the law and rules, and shall promote the health, safety, and progress of the community.
  • Describe accurately and honestly the price, materials, and standards of workmanship used in our jobs.
  • Deal fairly with everyone involved in our projects including employees, subcontractors, suppliers, and customers.
  • Encourage innovation in our industry.
  • Perform to the standards of the NAHB residential construction performance guideline, in effect at the time of construction.
  • Support our local, state, and national association’s efforts to provide affordable housing.
  • Do business with association members whenever possible.
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